As the 8:30 am Homecoming parade line up began Mr. Kevin Brown, Assistant Principal of North Campus at Lyons Township High School (LT), got into the position of Grand Marshal. The honor of Grand Marshal is designated to a retiring teacher, staff, or administrator who has been a prime example of upholding Lyons Township’s extraordinary education. The Student Council is responsible for selecting the Grand Marshal by vote. This year, Mr. Brown will join the group of Grand Marshals who have made LT a better place.
When Mr. Brown first learned about his selection as Grand Marshal, he was at a loss of words. Never did he think that he would serve as Grand Marshal. But, after 14 years of excellent service to the school he has truly helped so many at Lyons Township. Most notably, his role in the team who reworked LT’s class schedule to slim down the lunch periods to 4 not 5 and the creation of drop in centers has undoubtedly improved many students’ lives. Connecting with other students in drop in centers to ask questions has improved students’ grades.
When recalling the parade, Mr. Brown says that it was an “honor to have StuCo [Student Council] surprise me with the Grand Marshal honor”. Not only was being Grand Marshal a treat for Mr. Brown, but he “loved being in the parade in a convertible”. With a full view of the parade route, Mr. Brown kicked off the parade full of LT spirit. As he led the parade, he marked the beginning of Homecoming day. A day for many LT students to spend with friends, create lasting memories, and dance the night away.
Homecoming’s spirit and joy is not only limited to LT students but also future and past Lions. Mr. Brown knows how much “kids LOVE parades” and sure enough he made sure to bring the Homecoming spirit to all. Inside the the convertible, Mr. Brown “brought plenty of chocolate” for the kiddos on the parade route. He “tried to throw it to as many kids as possible”, bringing smiles and joy to their lives. Especially with those with a sweet tooth. Thank you Mr. Brown for leading LT to another great Homecoming.